Meet our Team: Austin Gardner

He specializes in Windows servers and client administration. He is one of ICC’S Technical Consultants and his hometown is roughly 2 percent of the population of Fort Collins. Meet our team and get to know a little bit more about Austin!

In a nutshell, my job entails: I spend a good part of my day taking care of client monitoring, operations and backups.

How long you’ve been with ICC: I started working at ICC in June 2014.

Hometown: Garnett, Kan.

In my spare time, you can find me: I enjoy the outdoors. On any given weekend, my wife and I may be camping, hiking, fishing or any combination thereof. We also enjoy traveling to new places (preferably with a beach).

Pets? We have a year-and-a-half-old golden retriever named Shay.

If you looked at my desk right now, you’d find: A cup of coffee, my laptop, monitor and my monitor elevation device…a cardboard box, don’t judge.

Fun facts about me: My blood type is O Negative… so I can my give blood to anyone (I guess that’s only a fun fact if you need blood).

Preferred OS? Windows 10 is what I use every day, but I like Macs too.

Connect with me on LinkedIn here!

June 5, 2017

ICC Team Members

Serving Colorado & Wyoming for over 25 years.


760 Whalers Way Building B,
Suite 200, Fort Collins, CO 80525

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