Why it’s Important to Keep Your System Updated

The reminders you see pop up on your computer screen to update software and applications should never be ignored. Those updates – also known as patches – ultimately serve to enhance the computer’s security and improve its stability. Patches are corrections to programming vulnerabilities found in the computer’s operating system, applications, and firmware. Hackers and malware exploit any vulnerabilities to illegally gain access to the system. Ignoring update notifications can lead to identity theft, data loss or damaged software. When the security patches are applied, they become a part of your line of defense in cyber protection and hackers/malware are no longer able to exploit this particular method of entry.

How often updates need to be installed greatly depends on the application or operating system. Some patches are released monthly and others vary as needed.  It is important that the patches are applied in a proactive manner so security policies are kept up to date. So, as tempting as it is, even when you are in the middle of working on a project, try not to put off the updates by choosing “remind me later.” When you do that, think of it as leaving your computer in a vulnerable state. Make sure to read the notification before clicking “Yes” or Install.”

Keeping your computers and software updated is an essential piece of cyber security. If you are unsure how the security patches are being managed for your company, or you don’t have the manpower, or even time to stay on top of system updates and maintenance, give us a call. We’ll start with a risk assessment and come up with a plan to make sure your computers are stable and protected.

For more information call ICC at 970.821.8592 or visit our website at iccusa.net.

January 25, 2021

IT Services