October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month. Is Your Business Protected?

Cyber threats are becoming more prevalent in today’s internet world. According to Cybintsolutions.com, “64% of companies have experienced web-based attacks, 62% phishing & social engineering attacks, 59% malicious code and botnets and 51% denial of service attacks.” Integrated Computer Consulting (ICC) has recently had a handful of businesses that have experienced a cyber threat in one form or another.

Examples of the situations and outcomes below:

  • ICC Customer: Gift card scam – Successful, $1000 payment
  • ICC Customer: Domain name spoof – Averted
  • ICC Customer: Extortion emails containing old passwords – Averted
  • Some customers and some non-customers: Business Email Compromise – Mostly averted, one $42k payment
  • Non-customer: Ransomware – Successful, $6000 payment. Another requested $12k and lost all data
  • Non-customer: Banking Trojan – Successful, Emotet virus on 30+ machines
  • Non-customer: Remote Desktop brute-force – Successful, attacker gained access to PC and attempted a lateral move to other machines/server

The cost to protect your personal and your businesses’ important information is minimal compared to the cost to recover from an attack. ICC recently worked with a customer in Fort Collins, dealing with an Emotet virus that could cost up to $1 million to remediate. Fortunately, ICC was able to effectively mitigate the virus for substantially less. For a cost way less than $1 million, ICC was able to save the company money and the potential risk of shutting down their company.

Cybersecurity is no joke and businesses should make sure they are protected to save themselves from the potential loss of time and money in the future. Let ICC evaluate your company’s security measures today. 970.821.8592 or info@iccusa.net.

October 4, 2019
