Cybersecurity Awareness Month- Tips to Keep Your Data Safe and Secure

From computers to cell phones, tablets, and more, we are constantly connected and sharing data with the world. With October being Cybersecurity Awareness Month, our team here at ICC have gathered some tips to make sure you stay on top of your cybersecurity measures to keep your data protected.

  1. Think before you click

Hackers will send emails disguised as shipping confirmations, past due notices, or emails from your boss. Take a second to think before you click, check the email address, and make sure nothing looks out of the ordinary.

  1. Use multi-factor authentication (MFA)

Multi-factor authentication is an extra layer of protection when accessing your data. Once you enter your password, a code is sent to confirm your identity. MFA makes it harder for hackers to access your account.

  1. Keep up with updates

Make sure to stay on top of all updates so your system isn’t left vulnerable to hackers. Outdated security measures and technology can put your system at risk or may cause crashes or downtime. An assessment conducted by the ICC team will help to ensure that your business’ software is up to date and secure.

  1. Back up your data

Anything could happen at any time and it is best to be prepared! Back up your system often to improve restore times and accuracy. Work with our IT professionals at ICC and they will help you set a plan for backing up your data that suits your needs.

  1. Ensure you understand all policies and procedures

Joining unsafe networks from your personal device when accessing company information could put your data at risk. Speak with us about safe ways to access this information and how to manage your risk.

  1. Don’t overshare on social media

The information you post on social media is easier to find than ever. Be careful what you share for hackers are always on the prowl for easy access to data.

  1. Ensure your security awareness training is ongoing

ICC is here to help! We have training sessions that can teach your employees how to recognize suspicious emails or activities.

  1. Use your mobile devices securely

Open or public Wi-Fi networks can expose you to cybersecurity threats. When possible, use your own personal hot spot for internet access or your cellular data.

  1. Look out for phishing scams

Phishing emails are the number one-way malware/ ransomware is delivered. We can provide email phishing training to your employees to lower the risk of opening unwanted emails and attachments.

  1. Properly dispose of electronic media

ICC can help dispose of electronic hardware and devices, so it doesn’t fall into the wrong hands.

  1. Create a cybersecurity friendly culture

Our team at ICC is here to help your team navigate the world of cybersecurity. We value our relationships and want to create the best plan of action according to your budget and needs.

  1. Monitor your credit and financial statements

Keep an eye out for any suspicious charges or activity on your credit card or financial statements. Make sure to follow up with your financial institution if anything looks suspicious and update your passwords.

  1. Don’t underestimate a hacker’s interest in your data

58% of cybersecurity attack victims are small businesses. Let us help protect your data and create a personalized I.T. strategy today.

  1. Virtually and physically secure sensitive information

In our 20+ years of business, we have come across unlocked server rooms, servers placed out in the open, and passwords written on sticky notes. Data breaches aren’t always online so it’s important to keep your data protected and secure.

The ICC team is available to assess your business’ security, technology, and overall IT plan. Contact us today to learn more 970.821.8592.

October 28, 2020
