If you or your business are still saving documents and files just to your computer or desktop, it’s time you learn about all the benefits of “the cloud.” Cloud computing uses distributed resources like data centers and remote servers to complete a variety of tasks such as saving files, providing web page content on-demand, or performing calculations.
Server Insurance
Can you guarantee that your in-house servers will never break down unexpectedly? If they do, how fast will you be able to get the servers back up and running and recover the lost information? There is no guarantee that any saved data can be recovered if it is not saved on a cloud system. Although cloud servers are not 100% disaster-free, they can greatly minimize the negative impacts associated with server failures.
For example, many cloud hosting services have multiple locations with servers that save your information. Even if one or two of those locations shut down, there would still be other locations that are safely hosting your information. Single locations also have backup power generation to ensure they continue sending information after utilities going down. Advanced mechanisms are also designed to restart automatically, notify technicians of any repeated problems, and collect diagnostic information. The power of using cloud hosting allows for easy recovery and minimized damage from server issues.
Increased Speed
Cloud hosting provides services that can increase the speed of your website’s services. CDNs or content delivery networks, host data such as images, sound, streaming video, and other media content. Cloud-based CDNs are used for many eCommerce sites for their reviews, demonstration videos, and product photos. These cloud hosting services allow for faster data access because they can detect which server is closest to a user to provide them with the quickest services available. This also allows for minimized delays, small page loading times, and spreads out the demand for local hosts.
Information Access Anywhere
A major limit of saving information to a laptop or desktop is that data is only accessible on that specific device. Cloud hosting provides the opportunity for your saved information to be reached from any location after you log into your server. This can benefit a business who has a mobile workforce or multiple storefronts and can access their company’s data from all their locations. For a retail business with several stores, it allows their employees to submit location-specific data, performance reports, or product counts straight to their corporate headquarters.
Guaranteed Security
Although cloud hosting may sound like anyone can access your information, it is built with a foundation of strict security guidelines. Cloud hosting has security measures that meet the requirements from the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council (PCI), Defense Security Service (DSS), and Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). These hosting services provide privacy for health care records, secure payment processing, and personal records and files.
Switching to Cloud Hosting
Moving your system and files over to a cloud hosting server is a complex process. ICC (Integrated Computer Consulting) is a professional and responsive company that offers a full range of IT support and consultation services including cloud hosting. Learn more about our services and how they can help you take advantage of cloud computing.
August 5, 2019
IT News